So you want to be a streamer! Congratulations on taking such a huge step. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned millions towards live streaming, so it’s no surprise that this shiny new phenomenon has caught your attention. 

Being a live streamer can seem pretty tough, especially if you’re new to the game. Lucky for you, we’ll be guiding you through the entire process. 

How To Get On Sugarbook Live

  • Download The App 

To start off, you will first need to download the Sugarbook Live app from Google Play or the Web App for iOS users. After all, we can’t live stream if there is no platform to host it on! 

  • Sign Up For An Account and Verify It

Once the app has been downloaded, it’s time to sign up for an account! Make sure your details are correct before entering them as well. After that, you’ll need to check your email to verify your account. After all that is settled, you can return back to the app. 

You’re now ready to go live on Sugarbook Live! 

It really is just that simple. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed or lost as to how to begin, here is some additional information that you might find helpful. 

  • Share Your Live Stream Link On Social Media

Don’t forget to copy the live link and share it on all your social media platforms as well. This is to let all your followers know beforehand where they can find you. Making use of your social media platforms are very important in building an online brand, so this is an essential step you will not want to miss out on. 

Once you have sorted all of this out, you are officially ready to begin your live stream! Tap the button and the world is your stage. 


5 Tips For Live Streaming on Sugarbook Live

When you’re a newbie, gaining viewers is your most important task. Therefore, you will want to avoid these rookie mistakes when you first start live streaming. Read on to know 5 important tips when live streaming.


1) Have A Clear Profile Photo

Your viewers want to see who they are watching, so select a profile photo that clearly shows your face. Avoid cliches such as overly editing your face with beauty filers or hiding your face with your hair or hands. You will also want to avoid using characters from cartoons or movies as well, as these lack authenticity. 

2) Make Sure You Know Your Angles

When live streaming, you need to appeal to your viewers as they will be looking at mostly your face for long periods of times. This means you’re going to need to know your angles. Stick to flattering ones, such as shooting your live stream at a higher angle than usual. Think of it being similar to your selfie angles! 

From this angle, shadows from your lights will illuminate your face better instead of creating dark, unpleasant ones from a lower angle. You also get a more contoured finish when you shoot from a higher angle, which works better for your cheekbones too 😉 

3) Use An Attractive Backdrop For Your Background

No one wants to see your third day underwear sticking out from under your unmade bed when you are live streaming. In face, a messy background is extremely distracting— your viewers might end up being more preoccupied with what they are looking at instead of focusing on what you are talking about.To avoid this, shoot your live stream with a backdrop instead. Stick to bright coloured backgrounds instead of dark ones. However, don’t just put a sheet and call it a day; get creative! Decorate your backdrop with curtains, wallpaper, or maybe even some simple plants. 

PS: A pro tip would be to match your background to the type of content you have in store, making it a more cohesive themed live stream! 

4) Be Friendly With Your Audience

An audience is key to having a live stream, which is why you need to be friendly with them. A live streamer is nothing without their viewers, so make sure you interact with them when they are watching you. 

Start by greeting them when they enter the live stream, then proceed to ask them how they are doing today. This shows how much you value them, as well as creates warm energy between the two of you. 

If your viewers like you so much that they send you gifts, make sure to thank them by reading out their IDs or usernames. In fact, go further and make a heart gesture with your hands! It’s time to spread the love. 

5) Do Not Perform Any Prohibited Behaviour During Your Live

Last but not least, it is incredibly important to not showcase or encourage any sort of prohibited behaviour during your live stream. These include smoking, gambling, drugs, pornography, vulgarities, and violence. Weapons such as guns, knives, and such are also prohibited as it promotes violence and creates a dangerous atmosphere for all parties involved. 

Minors are also not allowed to stream so if you are under the age of 21, so make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up, streamers! Asides that, live streamers should also take great care to not violate any local laws and customs, as well as make cultural, religious, or political statements during the live stream. 

Content is always closely monitored so if any of the following ends up being published, you will result in having your profile (as well as cashola you’ve earned) being removed from Sugarbook Live. In a worst case scenario, you could also potentially be facing a lifetime ban from your account. 

Got all that? Well, looks like you’re ready to start your streaming career on
Sugarbook Live. Don’t forget to tune in for more live streaming tips and know hows from us! We’re always excited to hear what you want to say, so feel free to let us know down in the comments below if you want more live streaming tricks.